IB Visual Arts
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You will be asked for the individual marks for each each criterion A, B, C, D, comments must be under 4000 characters, with spaces! The focus for the study can be a visit to a sacred place, building or a museum, a study of artifacts, attendance at an act of worship, an interview or interviews with religious adherents, or a study using a range of sources.
Further information on deadline setting There is further information on the requirements for meeting external deadlines in the. Schools should set internal deadlines Schools and supervisors are strongly recommended to set internal deadlines for the different stages of the different TOK components. For example, a museum, historical society, battlefield, historic buildings, etc.
IB Visual Arts - The focus for the study can be a visit to a sacred place, building or a museum, a study of artifacts, attendance at an act of worship, an interview or interviews with religious adherents, or a study using a range of sources. This can be either a bulleted list or continuous prose.
Any further changes will be updated here as they are published. Exhibition points add up to a max of 30 points. Refer to the assessment criteria descriptors when writing your justification for the marks. If you only have 5 students they will all be selected. Extra Moderation Samples In the case that further moderation samples are requested, be sure you have the students e-portfolios documenting the exhibitions on file so you can easily submit them when asked. Teacher Comments When you submit your sample of candidate work you will be required to write a short statement that supports the mark you gave and refers to the assessment criteria. You will be asked for the individual marks for each each criterion A, B, C, D, comments must be under 4000 characters, with spaces! Go to for an example of comment screen Tips: Comments can be very helpful to the examiner and you should use this opportunity to enlighten, but try to keep your comments relevant to the criteria, and do not simply cut and paste the criteria! You will need to select and submit IA samples on IBIS BEFORE you can upload any IA work to the eCoursework screens, so make sure you do that first! Marking the Exhibition as a digital document Although you are the one who will see the actual student work, the examiner will only be looking at the digital documentation. Teachers are therefor asked to refer to the digital on screen version of the exhibition that the examiner sees when marking the exhibition. The reasoning behind this is to keep the evidence consistent. Anonymising student work For what concerns anonymising the work, the IB is asking not to include details such as the candidate name and school name on the actual work. There will be no penalty applied if the details are shown, but the IB aims at avoiding bias as much as possible. As communicated to schools on IBIS, teachers can use the candidate and school details in the file name should they wish to identify each file: this file name will not be shown on the e-marking platform. The 3 assessed components All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.
IB HL Computer Science Internal Assessment Criterion D [Perfect Score Sample]
Use notecards to keep track of quotes and sources. In addition to academic skills, DP assessment encourages an north outlook and intercultural skills, wherever appropriate. This is because of their high levels of objectivity and reliability. This can be either a bulleted list or continuous prose. Download or print here Assessment Descriptors If you are looking for a detailed breakdown of the assessment criteria with sin band descriptors for all 3 components, look no further, Selected Pages All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Cancel Submit Assessment, assessment, assessment. The focus for the study can be a visit to a north place, building or a museum, a study of ib internal assessment due dates, attendance at an act of worship, an interview or interviews with religious adherents, or a study using a range of sources. None of these will form part of the word count. Schools should set internal deadlines Schools and supervisors are strongly recommended to set internal deadlines for the different stages of the different TOK components. You will search for, select, evaluate and use evidence to reach a relevant conclusion. At a glance all the basic assessment info on one sheet, handy for teachers.